15 Jul 2018

Miso Salmon Bake

After last week , we needed an easy, satisfying project as a break (you can see how much it traumatized us). So this week, we faced the salmon again…but in a much better context. We got a nice whole fillet and some beans for a wholesome, healthy meal: miso-marinated salmon bake, sautéed beans, and white rice with peas.

The salmon was a nice, big fillet from Sainsbury’s, which we marinated in a homemade paste of miso, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and ginger.


We didn’t have a big container to let the salmon sit in, so we had a sacrifice a plastic bag for the purpose of marinating. (Much to Fish’s frugal sadness.)

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While the salmon was marinating, we started washing and cutting the beans! Six insisted that we get two kinds of beans (because they were both on sale): “broad beans” (Fish had never heard of or seen these giant things) and just regular green beans (Fish knows what these are).


After we had prepared all our ingredients, we shoved the salmon into the oven and let it sit for a while (maybe 20 minutes?) while we sautéed the beans (“let them die,” as Six says). The beans gave off a really nice scent, reminiscent of jasmine, which we were both super confused (but happily surprised) about. We also can’t find any supporting references that agree with us about this phenomenon, so maybe we’re crazy, or they were poisoned.

Finally. we got the salmon out of the oven, and it got smaller :(. But, it looked really yummy! We added a garnish of chopped spring onions (which Six subsequently picked off because he does not like raw spring onions), and dinner was served.


The plates actually looked really nice, and the meal was just as satisfying.

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