08 Jul 2018

Crepes Galore

To wash out the strange taste of yesterday’s cooking project, and after facing the temptation of the market’s crepe stand, we found a savory and sweet solution to get rid of some of our excess flour from our bing project: Crepes!

We had a variety of fillings. The sweet ones were filled with fruit and homemade chocolate sauce (Six’s recipe of cocoa, dark chocolate, and milk). We sliced up some strawberries and bananas and even splurged on some raspberries for the special project. (“Is that really splurging?” - Six.)


For the savory crepes, we used some salvaged salmon bits from yesterday’s salmon head soup (the only parts Six would eat) and made a cream cheese spread, mushrooms and chicken, and some avocado to top it all off.

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We were really scared that we wouldn’t get the batter right, but it actually turned out pretty well! We luckily had a nice, round pan (which we borrowed stole from a neighboring kitchen) that made a pretty good-sized crepe.


We had somewhat opposing ideas when it came to filling the crepes. Six insisted that we take them out of the pan, then fill them on the plates whereas Fish was somewhat confident she could fold it inside the pan (and she couldn’t – Six was right) so that the fillings could be heated a little too. In the end, we tried both ways, and they did both work (most of the time).

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We also ate a fair number of the crepes as we made them (woops), but this gave us the time and patience to make some artsy ones by the end. For example, a lemon-sugar twist by Six:


In the end, we had two nice plates of crepes, which we again shared with a friendly neighbor. We were particularly proud of one crepe, which we spent extra time on making artsy.

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All in all, it was probably one of the easiest but most fulfilling projects we’ve done so far. (Also by far the butteriest. Maybe there’s a correlation there…)